- Hardware Stores, St George Brant
- Hauling And Shipping, St George Brant
- Health & Medical, St George Brant
- Health And Medical Centers, St George Brant
- Health Care Information & Services, St George Brant
- Healthcare Providers, Practitioners & Professionals, St George Brant
- Hearing Aids & Assistive Devices & Supplies, St George Brant - Hearing Devices
- Heating & Air Conditioning Equipment, Parts & Supplies, St George Brant - HVAC Suppliers & Companies
- Heating & Air-Conditioning Contractors, St George Brant - HVAC Contractors - Installation, Repair, Replace Service, etc
- Heating Contractors, St George Brant - Heating Systems - Installation & Repair
- Heavy Equipment Hauling, St George Brant
- Highway Surfacing & Paving Contractors, St George Brant - Pavers - Paving Companies
- Historical Organizations, St George Brant
- Historical Societies, St George Brant
- Hoisting & Rigging Equipment, St George Brant
- Home Additions & Remodeling Contractors, St George Brant - Refinishing & Restoration
- Home Appliance Repair, Sales & Services, St George Brant
- Horse Dealers, St George Brant
- Hospital, Dental & Medical Equipment & Supplies, St George Brant
- Hospitals, St George Brant
- Household Goods & Furniture Storage , St George Brant
- Housing Providers, St George Brant