- Paint & Painting Supplies, Wingham
- Paint Stores, Wingham
- Paint Supplies & Equipment, Wingham
- Painters, Wingham - Painting Contractors
- Painting & Wallpaper Installation Contractors, Wingham - Install - Hang Wallpaper & Wallcoverings
- Painting Supplies & Equipment, Wingham
- Paper & Cardboard Manufacturers, Wingham
- Paper Finishers Manufacturers, Wingham
- Party & Event Planning, Decorations, Equipment & Supplies, Wingham - Party Supply Stores
- Passenger Ground Transportation, Wingham
- Passenger Vehicle Dealers, Wingham
- Pentecostal Churches, Wingham
- Personal Care, Wingham
- Personal Legal Services, Wingham
- Personal Services, Wingham
- Pest Control Services, Wingham - Termite Control, Insects & Bed Bug Treatment - Pest Control Companies
- Pet Care Services, Wingham
- Pet Food & Supplies, Wingham
- Pet Grooming & Boarding Services, Wingham
- Pet Shops & Supplies, Wingham
- Pets Stores & Pet Supplies , Wingham
- Pharmacy & Drug Stores, Wingham - Drugstore - Chemists
- Photographers, Wingham
- Photography, Wingham
- Physiotherapy, Wingham
- Pizza Restaurant 1 Of 2, Wingham
- Plastic Fabrics Film Sheets Rods Etcetera Manufacturers, Wingham
- Plastic Products Manufacturers, Wingham
- Plumbers & Plumbing Contractors, Wingham - Installation, Repair & Replace Services
- Plumbing Fixtures, Equipment, Parts & Supplies, Wingham
- Power Tools Companies, Wingham - Wholesale, Manufacturers & Suppliers
- Presbyterian Churches, Wingham
- Printers Services, Wingham
- Product Repair Services, Wingham
- Professional, Wingham
- Professional Credential, Association, And - Or Degree, Wingham
- Professionals Equipment & Supplies, Wingham
- Public Accountants, Wingham
- Publishing & Printing Manufacturers, Wingham
- Pubs, Wingham